Don't you ever feel stuck in one moment of your life? As if you're behind a wall that separates tomorrow from today and no matter how you try you simply cannot see past it? It's because you're too consumed with yourself today about your entire existence that your whole tomorrow-self is questionable. It's such a complex awareness of your state that there's no song for it. Just mixtures of lyrics. Today Rock and Roll can't save the world, you might think. There's no Jimi Hendrix, no Janis Joplin, no Travis or The Verve. Today one particular song can't make sence as much as you might wish it would. It's because you can't hear anything but the sound of your tears rushing through your cheeks and neck and the beat of your a-rhythmical heart. You're too messed up to hear the music. But it's because of this state where the sun is trying to kill the moon that you capture the esence - it's a guitar solo overcome by piano keys, Bittersweet Simphony combined with Kissing in the rain that leads to Shine on you crazy diamond and Summertime.
You're confused so you try to stop yourself for a moment and put your ideas in order. " Again, was it ~ I know you didn't bring me out here to drown so why am I ten feet under and upside down~ or was it ~ Staying awake to chase a dream, tasting the air you're breathing in~ ? " Which one were you feeling a moment ago? Which bit was in your head? Doesn't matter cause in the next moment it's something else.
Rock'n'Roll just saved you again. Now you can fast-forward to "I think our lives have just begun". Your tomorrow that is.
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