It's peculiar. I started writting this initially in my native language, realising shortly after that i don't even recognise that voice of mine. To begin with the begining of my virtual life which starts right now, i am born.
Creating this new world where I'm not allowed myself to enter is rather difficult. What I mean by that, no matter what i shall write, think or feel in this virtual box will be the very esence of my being, shallow or deep at the moment, and it will never reflect my entire way of life, therefore I, as the complexity of numerous factors, will always be a stranger to the soul caught between these words, a stranger just like any other person that might come across and read these phrases for the first time.
I couldn't help but actually ask myself : why a blog? why do people decide to write blogs? What do they actually get out of it - self esteem, accomplishment of some sort, praise from people who aren't interested in praising you in the first place? Or maybe some are simply lonely or scared and this seems the perfect way to hide and still be able to have a voice and pour their heart out without having to face it in their real existence. Maybe it's just a trend.
To be completly and irrevocably honest, though yes,i know the Edit Button exists, I'm not sure why i pressed Create Blog in the first place, but i guess deep down I'm hoping somebody will read whatever i might feel to confess about the world and that would change their entire perception about reality, even if it's just for a few minutes.
I'll try to gather here my most important memories that have influenced me in such a way that led me here. New or old ones, dear and close to me or not, images of my past which used to have something "touchable" about them , but now are just shadows in the form of flashes of all the things that used to be.
I believe that I'll be sleeping with ghosts.
Trei ținute pentru o iarnă RED
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