Today I thought all day of Paris. No, not Paris Hilton, not the character from the ancient greek play, though who could think of that option other than me right now (?) , but Paris the capital of France, the city where fashion is created right around the corner literally at a street runway, where you dont drink your coffee with muffins, but you eat your muffins with coffee, where the wind sounds like City of Blinding Lights ( the live version), where (..), basically where life happens.
I came back less than a month ago from Paris again. I am seriously considering the fact that i might have been parisian in a past life since I need it in order to feel alive. It might sound like something a teenage-enthusiastic might say, who's probably watched Eurotrip too many times, but it is as true as every one of you.
That might explain why my room has porcelain dolls even though toys don't work for me, musical boxes though they're so last century, real paintings and black and white photographs of the Montmartre Stairway, or maybe hand-made drawings of La Tour Eiffel and Le Notre Dame in spring. Oh, and a scent of cinnamon. People who've been there know what i mean when I say your hands smell aprox. 10 minutes like vanilla and cinnamon after finishing eating the muffin you bought at Paul's - Les Champs Ellysees.
All the future posts in my blog wouldn't be enough for me to capture the esence and magic of Paris. Let's just keep it simple :
1. Musee d'Orsay ( Expressionist Painters )
2. Fashion (Fashion Week + you can't help love the Vogue edition in french)
3. History of basic everything ( don't get me started on the French Revolution or The Royal Houses)
4. La Sorbonne ( As a future jurist it's the sweetest dream).
5. Music - Coldplay this summer , though i'll see it in Amsterdam.
Last thing on the agenda : see Paris through the eyes of your loved one.
"Quand il me prend dans ses bras, il me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose"
I came back less than a month ago from Paris again. I am seriously considering the fact that i might have been parisian in a past life since I need it in order to feel alive. It might sound like something a teenage-enthusiastic might say, who's probably watched Eurotrip too many times, but it is as true as every one of you.
That might explain why my room has porcelain dolls even though toys don't work for me, musical boxes though they're so last century, real paintings and black and white photographs of the Montmartre Stairway, or maybe hand-made drawings of La Tour Eiffel and Le Notre Dame in spring. Oh, and a scent of cinnamon. People who've been there know what i mean when I say your hands smell aprox. 10 minutes like vanilla and cinnamon after finishing eating the muffin you bought at Paul's - Les Champs Ellysees.
All the future posts in my blog wouldn't be enough for me to capture the esence and magic of Paris. Let's just keep it simple :
1. Musee d'Orsay ( Expressionist Painters )
2. Fashion (Fashion Week + you can't help love the Vogue edition in french)
3. History of basic everything ( don't get me started on the French Revolution or The Royal Houses)
4. La Sorbonne ( As a future jurist it's the sweetest dream).
5. Music - Coldplay this summer , though i'll see it in Amsterdam.
Last thing on the agenda : see Paris through the eyes of your loved one.
"Quand il me prend dans ses bras, il me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose"
offf...si tu esti amorezata de paris
RăspundețiȘtergere...de minunata aglomeratie a cartierului latin, de care poti fugi pe o straduta stramta ce da in quai de la seine...
...de plimbarile pe podurile senei, in care se oglindesc luminile unui oras minunat
...de fiorul artistic din montmartre si de chitarile celor 2 entertaineri de pe scarile de la SacreCoeur...
...de gazonul din jardin de louxembourg
mi-e dor de paris...